♥ Monday 20th February 2006 ♥

Well, as the weekends get shorter, the week days get significantly longer *sigh* The weekend was pretty cool though. Saturday was Adam and mine's 2 year and 3 month anniversary >:)
A lady came and took m00 away at 9am :( but I'm glad he's in a cooler temperature...Keeping him in the bedroom in 37°C (40°C++ in the bedroom) was just too cruel :(
I sold all my gear in the morning and went shopping with mum for the afternoon. Saturday night Adam and I got a movie called "The Man" hehe I thought it was pretty awesome :)
Sunday I spent the day cleaning the rabbit cages, washing my car and finished cutting my blogs and putting them in a journal... I am now up to date :) IT TOOK AGES :D

Today I have spinach & ricotta cannelloni! I haven't had it since Hannah made it for me before she moved to the OTHER side of the city... :P It is virtually impossible these days to arrange any time/place/day to see her, so the chances of getting spinach & ricotta cannelloni are slim to none :) hehe...
Tonight is my first night back at the gym.. I haven't been for a whole week, so tonight is going to be a KILLER :( It's been good being able to eat dinner before 9pm though :P
♥ me xxx


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