♥ Tuesday 4th April ♥

What a day! Just typed a 52 page report on some farm in Cunderdin... wherever that is :)
I have dinosaur shaped macaroni cheese for lunch today. SO looking forward to it.

I've finally updated my myspace account - added some pics and a video of rex :) I've used today's pic as my background on the site... looks pretty cool :)
Somehow managed to put a hole in my contact lense this morning, so had to drive to work with one eye shut so I could see hahah was pretty crazy. Glad my optometrist is a) In the City and b) stocked up on my lenses :) *phew*
OMG it's like 2 weeks until easter... no ones getting me chocolate :( *cries* but but but i LOVEEEEEE Chocolate. Next pay, I'll buy myself a cadbury bunny from target.. they're $3.98 and the BEST!!
While I was in town this morning I went to Myer to see if they had the new Britney fragrance in, but they didn't DOH! So spewing, I've held off buying a new purfume for about a month now.... i'm starting to smell hahah :) Nah, not that bad... At the moment, I smell like Impulse - Tease! It smells delish! But not as much as the much anticipated 'In Control' *Gets Excited*
Had soooooo many applications for the position i've advertised, pity most of them are like 40 year olds *sigh* teaching a 5 year old would be easier :) haha..
I've asked my friend Chants if she would like to apply, and she's going up north for a week, but may apply when she gets back. That would be pretty cool. I met her a few years back on PSC (#Perthstreetcars on Austnet, IRC) we've been out a couple of times, but not enough to be like "OMG WILL U B MY BEST FRIEND" material... she's a few years younger than me....so different mindset I guess.. :)
Thassit my friends
♥ me xxx


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