♥ Friday 23rd June 2006 ♥

Finally the most important day of the work calender arrives! FRIDAY! Gosh my hands are so cold, it hurts to type! Last night we did take the BEAST and I got my tin and my vaccuum! its soo cute - I called him HOOVIE (Can sorta see him in the background of my messy living room!) I couldn't wake up at 3am this morning to watch the Socceroos, but I heard THEYRE IN! yaya I went to town on the way to work this morning and I got a new mascara and a bra! its a changeable one! U can have it blue... or pink... !!! How awesome is that!?!?!
Last night, we hired about 4 games and a movie! We watched B00! (MA+) Its a pretty creepy movie... about teenagers that goto an old run down mental asylum and the 3rd floor is haunted... it was good, but I prolly never watch it again hehe!
I gotta stop writing if I wanna go home on time tonight! I SOOOO FEEL LIKE BEER AND SALT & VINEGAR CHIPS! Damn diet!

Luv me xxx

PS: I just got a call from mum saying my ADSL Modem has arrived, so I called Pook and hes coming over to set me up OH YEAH! I will have INTERNET! w00t.


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