♥ Home Sweet Home ♥

Today is the first day i've actually spent at home since we moved here... In saying that I have hung pictures on the walls, cleaned my canries cage out, vacuumed the house and done a load of washing... it feels like home... only dread is i've got work at 4pm *sigh* oh well, money for Sydney...
Watched cars last night and it wasnt as good as I thought it would be, but it was ok... Over the Hedge has almost finished downloading, so hopefully that will be better... it looks more for 'adult audience' like Shrek!
I did cardio kickboxing yesterday and I am so SORE today! :) hehe no pain no gain I say!!
I gotta go play with rex, he's sitting at the computer chasing the mouse on the screen and biting my elbow :)
♥ me xxx


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