Ok So I was up at 4am puking my heart out because I pigged out on salt & vinegar chips and peanut m&ms heh! At least i've felt like crap all day to turn me off even the THOUGHT of eating junk food :) Mission Accomplished.
Today has been a slow, boring day - the works been there and so has the intention, but ACTUALLY doing it isn't happening heh. I suppose I started off good (seeing as I got here at 7.30am!) Oh well, bit of overtime! which I could really use right now.. all the 'connection' bills for our new house are coming through. . . so much for Sydney. . . we'll get there, but as always, it wont be easy... good job my birthday is in 3 months and 2 months after that is Christmas so I guess I want money towards it from mum n dad n cohen n adam n rex n all my cats n all my fish mehehe :)
Tonight should be a relaxing one... I don't have anything planned, although I should do a workout, but I'm not sure if my stomach is up for it yet. . . other than that, I will probably wander around the spare room looking at things to sell on ebay...
I don't even know what I'm going to have for tea... might buy a juicy steak on my way home. . .maybe subway without the sub - thats a light meal that tastes good and actually makes me feel like i've eaten the whole SUB! heh.
♥ me xxx
PS: This shoe is so cool! Could you imagine walking around with money rattling around in it! hah! I've always wanted a pair of this shaped shoe, but I have no idea how I would be able to walk in them. . . maybe not heh.


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