♥ Weekend Shindigs ♥

Well its been a strange few days, Friday I was overloaded with work (Was meant to go into work today, Saturday, but didn't heh) I met Erin in town that night at MAC...was really good fun! I felt like I had known her for years! We just got along so well, which is good because I can't stand most girls! Its good having someone like her to hang around with.. Shes confident, vibrant and full of life! She's already given me a few fashion tips to work with!!! Why didn't I find her years ago! haha! Woke up at 9am this morning and went to meet Elyse at Harbour Town...was a good day! I had Subway (without the sub - more like a chicken salad I guess) hehe - was good to catchup seeing as she got fired last week, but im not going to even go there.
This afternoon came and I had to leave shopping to go home to get ready for work at hogs breath. I got the shits. Im so sick of running around, rushing too and from and not having any damn time for myself. So I rang Phil (who got me the job) and apologised for being a pain but thanks for the opportunity, loved working there, but was just too hard for me. I felt so bad, I actually was starting to like it, but I worked out that if im only needed on Wednesday nights for 4 hours, it wasnt worth my while, as I can go to my work every morning at 8am and do an hr overtime and i'd be getting more than 4 hrs at hoggies.... *sigh*
So tonight i'm sitting here catching up on goss and typing my blog while watching SYDNEY VS FREMANTLE! My 2 favourite teams battling it out... my hearts with Sydney though!
Hrmph! When will Adam wake up!?!?! He's been at work since 5am...having a nanna nap so he can watch the England Vs Portugal game tonight! I doubt I can stay up for it but hehe...
No idea whats in store for tomorrow... I was meant to be working at 4pm but I no longer work there........ blog tomorrow...
♥ me xxx


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