♥ Monday 26th June 2006 ♥

Ok, so my burps taste like bolognaise and i've eaten ONE too many m&M's but thats not to say i'm going to be this fat forever.. I've had another bender... but I got Cardio Kickboxing tonight again and I will keep doing it to punish myself EVERYTIME I CHEAT! Discipline is the key to success for me.
Last night I had to work 4-8pm at Hogs Breath Cafe - It was my second night and although I enjoy running the meals to the customers, the support staff are total bitches... well theres this one in particular.. shes like 18 and reminds me of a mate I had called Sharni but 1,000 times rougher - not my kind of environment. I'm thinking of calling it quits, I don't have time for the bitchyness the store brings and also training is for 7 days and it will be every saturday and sunday until i'm trained.... UNPAID! and once I actually get through the training, I will only be working Wednesday nights with the occasional Mon/Tues! HOW CRAP! I thought i'd be working Mon-Wed, but apparently they wont need me every Mon/Tues! ergh! So i'm umming and ahhing about what to do!
Tonight is the first night in god knows how long I actually have FREE! I don't have to stop off at mums, goto work, or anything! I might stop off and get a new movie to watch until Australia plays, but thats about it!
w00t! Luv me xxx


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