♥ Wednesday 28th June 2006 ♥

What an unusal, but good day! Today I have adopted a sister! Her name is Erin and she is just as cool as me, if not, cooler! haha We're meeting up in Town this Friday to do some shopping! Looking forward to it!!
Sarah has confirmed she will come with me and Elyse to Harbour Town on Saturday, although she wont be spending much! hehe and then I will be working Saturday and Sunday night YAY!
Today I have spent pretty much the whole day talking to Erin! There has been about 70 jobs coming through in between, but is amazing how well we get along! She even has some cool words like I do... She even says "HAI!" LIEK OMG! haha feels like i've known her for years!
Tonight I'm going to my parents for dinner... Told mum I wont be seeing her this saturday and she seems pretty bummed... I cant believe how restricted I am on saturdays (even the days I cant be bothered I feel obliged to go) Its getting harder now I've lost 16kgs and want to go out and make friends... Sometimes I think it would be easier to have a life if I moved states...ergh. I know I need my family, but EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY is gettin really beyond a joke. Some people my age dont even SEE their parents... I get about 50 sms & 2 calls a day (ok eggagerating A LOT, but it feels like every time I pick up the phone its my mum). *sigh*
Well enough about that its not the end of the world. . . or is it?!?
♥ me xxx


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