~♥~ Butterflies = Freedom ~♥~

Last night was the same old disaster as last week.. Riley once again took to Lucy but didn't want a bar to do with the other dogs... he was too busy strutting around and getting "OH LOOK AT U U ARE SO CUTE!" Next week im going to have to say "please refrain from picking up my dog Im paying for him to socialise with other dogs not people".... we got the people thing down pat! He's even played with Christopher, Gary's son and also Mark, Rita's son...so thats a relief...
Tonight I'm going to the Mullaloo Tavern with Hayley for dinner, should be good! I gotta take a photo this time as I forgot the last time we met up!
Last night I was lying in bed talking with Adam about my tattoo and how I'm not sure if the tigerfly I drew in Year 10 Art is for me... I want something girly with nice blues and purples in it...Something that when im 40 I wont be going "man why'd i get this jungle creature on my back?, its eyes are munted!" I just have a really bad feeling that it's not going to look any good with tribal decor around it :/ I dont think it will flow like the 'generic' butterflies will. Butterflies chose me in year 10. I was failing Art and it wasn't getting any easier...I had missed 2 years of art and had to some how keep up with the rest of the class who already knew how to cast shadows and blend contours...Butterflies chose me as my next project and the amount of exquisite drawings (if I do say so myself=]) just came so naturally, as if i'd drawn them in my sleep for 15 years, my final piece was a dress where I had painted an awesome butterfly pattern in the fabric and made butterflies by sticking coloured feathers in little bits of wood. I couldn't believe it....ME who was flunking art, was passing! Butterflies mean a lot to me. Butterflies in my own interpretation means freedom... Something I had longed for, both inside and out of highschool. Butterflies are unquestionably the most colourful creatures on earth. Although they live all around us, we seldom notice them. Few of us realize that tens of millions of years of evolution have shaped the behaviour of over 20,000 species of butterflies in amazing ways. I've always noticed them...
So after much discussion with Adam, we decided that I will get a butterfly (whether I keep the tigerfly or another type is still weighing up in my head at the moment) and I will get it done horizontally across my lower back with black tribal patterns either side :) I cant wait! All I need to do is make up my mind!.........

♥ me xxx


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