♥ Crazy Puppies! ♥

Last night was pretty crazy... I went home, got changed, picked up puppy and took him to mums... No one was home and I'd left my parent's house keys at home, so we had to wait in the car... 6.45pm Mum came home with a home cooked meal from Chicken Treat hehe only to discover that the meal was missing the potato & gravy and peas *sigh* So after skoffing tea and Riley getting psyched up playing with mum we had to go back to pick the rest of dinner up as well as Cohen from HJS (work) so we raced up there, picked Cohen up and got home only to realise we'd forgotten about the Chicken Treat haha! Dad had just pulled up in the driveway by then, so we had to go back otherwise he would have been grumpy at the rock hard garlic bread and lack of choices ehe so we got up there and pretty much got a new meal (minus the chicken) they even gave us a new family chips because I complained the others were too soggy haha! So came back home and I pigged out on some hot chips, then Dad decides he should bring Indie in to play with Riley... ergh!! I hate it when he does that! Indie is too big and strong to be playing with Riley, as much as they get along really well he just doesn't realise his own strength! so I held Indie around his collar while he tried to play with Riley... Indie was jumping around and a paw landed on Riley... Riley freaked out and yelped and then started going psycho at Indie, which scared Indie and he flinched.... as all this was happening, my thumb had got caught in Indie's collar and pretty much got ripped back to my wrist... OWCH!@ it was pretty sore but ABSOLUTELY PAINFUL when it was time to go to bed!!!! I got home at about 10pm *sigh* and pretty much rubbed deep heat in, wrapped it up in a bandage and climbed into bed... the pain was so intense it made me feel really sick and I couldn't sleep.. so today i'm totally buggered!! Good job there isn't much work on.
Tonight, Adam and I are going food shopping and racing back home for 8.30pm for the LOST Finale!! YAY! I'm kind of glad that it's finishing... I loose about 45minutes of precious shopping time because we gotta make sure we aren't late!ERGH!!!

Tomorrow I'm meeting Samantha in town after work and we are going to Tiger Lils for cocktails and dinner! Should be good catching up! Will prolly blog tomorrow about it! :)
♥ me xxx


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