♥ 4 Days To Go... ♥

Well...Friday night was a blast!! I met Sam in the City and we ended up going to Tiger Lil's! Was such a cool place for the city...normally the restaurant/pubs/lounges combined in one place are all pretty wack in the CBD but this place was pretty swanky.. as it kicked on, the work people started to leave and the more casual people started to flow through..
I was stressing about how shit I felt after getting up at 4.30am and going straight after work, but i've still got it! haha yay! we talked about everything and anything... I skulled 2 pints of beer and was pretty tipsy which is so cadbury for me! but I guess if you haven't drunken for 4 months you'd get that.... hehe so I spent the rest of the night on water....was SO good to catchup! As well as that, I managed to get Hayley (another girl from school)'s number so I called her on Saturday and we're going to catchup at The Boat on Wednesday night! YAY! it's so good to be getting my friends back....after 7 years! hehe
Saturday was good, I took Adam shopping for most of the day and then I went to mums for about an hour in the afternoon. Because I actually had time to myself on Saturday, I didn't feel obliged to do housework on the Sunday! I got so much washing/cleaning done!! hehe then Adam and I took Riley to the park for a run around! He loved it! I wish I took my camera with us! He looked absolutely adoreable rolling around in the grass with little flowers everywhere! :) Sunday night we watched Idol and then pretty much went to bed! Back to work *sigh* but I have this Friday off, which I am SOOOO Looking forward to! I wanna get Riley's next needle and his claws clipped, followed by getting a coffee and cookie from Gloria Jeans, which I am now OBSESSED with coffee again!! ERGH! and then just CHILL and do NOTHING for the rest of the day... I might even turn my phone off!!!!!! hehe then Friday afternoon, I'm meant to be hanging out with Erin! yay! I haven't seen her for ages!! Although I'm hoping she will let me hang out NEXT Friday as I wont be in the City this friday :/ ...we'll see!
♥ me xxx


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