Welcome to Little ItaREE

Well I dobbed myself in and have now ended up having my family over for dinner this Saturday night *sigh* So I figured I should actually make an effort! I am having an Italiano theme, putting candles, fat luigi on the checkered table cloth I hope I can find and even making menus.... I should tell them its BYO though :P I only support BEER and Bourbon in my fridge :) Hopefully it will be a good night...
Riley has puppy pre-school at 7pm tonight - SO Looking forward to going! Hopefully I can ask if Lucy wants to be friends :) Although Riley started humping his teddy last night :( Sheesh! typical male! Although i've been reading that a lot of female dogs tend to do it too and that it's not a sexual thing unless its with another dog! Weird! I wish I could walk around doing thrusting motions and telling people that I wasn't horny :P hahah!
♥ me xxx


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