Sick Moite Sick.. SubWooFa!

Sick Moite Sick! SubWooFa! :) Well, here's my 12" baby! hahah! If only I was a male! hmm Anyways, this little doozy has created havoC over town! I got enough attention just being a blonde haired chick in a commodore, well now I get more hehe... Its pretty annoying :/ I got the sub because my old one blew when I came back from Sydney...........I enjoy my music and BASS! So nearly a year later I decided to get one, but it's more of a head turner than I expected. hmmph.
Well.....I logged in expecting the usual - (nothing) but Hannah actually blogged!!!!!!! It's been a few weeks at least now and I was beginning to think she was going to call it quits and delete it like her previous blogs, but NOOOOOooooooooooooo...I was wrong! :) yay! hehe. Her puppy sounds like a bit of a rascal, which is so cute :) I can imagine the destruction! I'm glad my shoes haven't got holes in them though...$180 worth of Sachi down the drain caused enough heartache :( hehehe... it's crazy though.... Riley can shit all over the floor and attack my washing, etc and I get so mad and all he has to do is look up at you and wag his tail and im over it! haha its like being Whipped! and they know it! Stupid cute dogs! :P
Anyways, I'm off to go and buy a cappuccino and some dunking biscuits.... diet went down the drain again... I'm not ready to go back on it yet... I have started to get a sore throat after days of feeling drained... my body needs artificial energy to get through this.. I don't want to end up as sick as I got when I was on my diet... coughing every 10 seconds and not getting any sleep.. that was just crazy!
As soon as this thing in my body passes, i'll be back on it... I'm aiming for December now... it SHOULD have been October, but I'm not fussed... especially after years of carrying that much fat around... 2 months extra isn't going to kill me.... hopefully...
♥ me xxx


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