♥ Tuesday 22nd August 2006 ♥

So..Whats been happening in the so called "Wonderful Life of Ree" ?? Not much! I took friday off work...was a bit crook so I didn't get to to much..Riley had his first bath, which was gorgeous!!! Friday night Adam and I took Riley to Hannah's house... Riley didn't like Jet :( He's going to puppy training tonight so hopefully that will change next time he meets her (if there is a next time??) That night was pretty cool, we played OLDSKOOL games on the Xbox :)
The weekend pretty much flew past and now its Tuesday and I still haven't gone to work... my head hurts, im pretty much tired all day and now my wisdom teeth hurt so bad it hurts to eat hehe *woe is me* Back to work tomorrow! I'm addicted to coffee again :(
♥ xxx


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