♥ How Well Do You Know Me?? ♥

1. My name: Hannah . . . . I think it means me :P but oh well
2. Where did we meet?: At the wall
3. Take a stab at my middle name: u dont have one!
4. How long have you known me?: nearly 17 years?
5. How well do you know me (a lot, not so much, nothing)?: Nearlly everything!
6. Do I smoke?: no
7. What's my favourite colour?: Pink
8. When you first saw me what was your first impression? omg i wanna be herfriend :)
9. My age?: 23
10. My birthday?: 7th october 82
11. Color Hair?: oo well natural? mousey.. atm blonde and dark brown
12. Color eyes?: BLOOOOO
13. Have you ever had a crush on me? ive prolly crushed you multiple times buthad a crush um, no hah
14. Have you ever been jealous of me? YES!
15. Whats one of my fav things to do indoors?: eat korma
16. Do you remember the first things I said to you when we first met? hmm notreally but i will never forget walkin round and meeting halfway
17. What's my fav type of music?: Drum n Bass, RNB, Alternative, but then uhave the disney songs.. not sure what genre they are :P
18.What's one of my fav things to do outdoors?: SHOPPING!
19. Am I shy or outgoing? Used to be VERY shy, now VERY outgoing!
20.Would you say I'm funny HAHA or funny (sarcastic)?: Both!
21. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?: BOTH! depends if ur mothersinvolved :P
22. Would you consider me a friend?: BESTEST
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, snobby, or something else?: GLAM!
24. Have you ever seen me cry?: yup
25. If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be? REEBEE bzz
26. Are my parents still together?: yup
27. Do I have a nice butt?: i dont stare at your butt lol! but if we put mybottom half on your top half......... lol
28. If I had broccoli stuck on my teeth, would you tell me? prolly already havelol
29. Do you love me?: YES!
31. Quiet or loud? loud
31. Short or Tall: medium
32.Weird or original: both
33. Smart or stupid? both LOL (just like me)
34. Boring or Fun? FUN!
35. Attractive or Unattractive? GOOORRGEOUS!

DO YOU THINK I'M... (yes or no, if u wanna say something extra say it)
36.A psycho? yes
38.Athlethic? not athletic but definatly not lazy
39. A nerd? ooo not as nerdy as me but still a nerd :P
40. A slut? no
41. Ghetto? no
42. A *itch? we all are sometimes :P
43. Two-faced? no
44. Obnoxious? sometimes
45. Immature? wouldnt be fun if u never were
46. Mature? sometimes

47. What do you think I'll be when I grow up? hmmm... a stay at home mum doinbeauty things on the side i reckon!
48. A) Do you think I'll get married? definatly! u basically already are!
B) If you do...Who do you think I'll marry? ADAM!
49. When is my birthday? i said this already? 7/oct/82
50. Who is my best friend? MWE!
51. What song(if any)reminds you of me? I don't think you're ready for thisjelly!
52. Do I remind you of any characters on TV? haha night at the roxbury!
53. If you could rename me, what would my name be? nah i couldnt reeeeee name u
54. Have you ever had a dream about me? yup!
55. A feature that you like about me: BOOBS!
56. If you could give me anything, what would it be? a life in a differentcountry
57. If we spent a day together.....where would we go and what would we do? Shopping, go to one of our houses to vege out and eat korma and play withpuppies OR buy mice
58. If you could describe me in one word, what would it be? REE
59. What word do I say all the time? AADDAAAMMMM!!! haha um YAY!
60. Is there anything you'd like to say to me? twistie!!


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