♥ Riley = My Dag! ♥

Well I think the highlight of my few days at home has to be this pic of riley! he is such a dag hehe! Back to work today - really feeling it! my head is killing, my wisdom teeth are hurting, my throat cains everytime I swallow and I even coughed up a bit of phlegm which had a bit of blood in it??? weird.. and gross. heh. Tonight Riley and I are going to mum and dads for dinner, of which im waiting for it to be over as I just want to go home and sleep :( heaven forbid if I say I cant go kus im tired... *sigh* even my boss said I look a bit white... *sigh* All this because Annette wanted to take a day off because I took Friday off *sigh* EVERY time I take holidays, she wants to aswell... she practically BEGGED me not to take that Friday off...I couldn't not because I was feeling hell crook :(
Puppy pre-school went really good last night. Riley carried on like a chicken like he did with Jet, and the vet said its basically because he's terrified of other dogs and he's lashing out as a defence to let them know he's a big scaredy-cat, but because the other dogs are bigger they all think its a game and just bark and carry on wanting to play...hopefully after 4 weeks of this Riley will understand that they just want to play and will learn to play with bigger dogs hehe. There was this gorgeous 8 week chihuahua X jack russell called Lucy! she was so tiny! I saw her in the whitfords pet shop about a week ago! but I want a purebred female. hehe Riley got on really well with her (if only all the dogs in the world were as big as a subway roll! haha!) Riley will take some work, but he's definately worth it! I've learnt quite a bit from 1 night of training but he is sitting excellently now and we're progressing with the toilet training! (something i've learnt last night that has made me understand why they go wherever) so now i don't get as so mad! :)
Anyways I should enter these jobs before there gets too many and my brain cant keep up!
♥ me xxx


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