♥ Thursday 31st August 2006 ♥

Last night was a blast, despite racing home and running out of the house trying to pull my jeans up haha! It was kinda like "hey hun, bye hun" and a quick pet of Riley and Rex :) I got there for 7.25pm with 5minutes to spare... idiot me forget that Hayley runs late 7 out of 10 times :P so she was running 15mins late... which was kind of good in a way because I got to skope out the Mullaloo Beach Hotel - the tavern looks so modern and nice (kind of like a smaller version of the lookout in scarborough!) hehe.... so we sat down and I was so engrossed in the catchup that I didn't notice Keryn & Phil behind Hayley waving their arms around the air trying to get my attention hehe :P So I ordered a creamy pasta dish for something other than the usual 'grilled fish' or 'spaghetti bolognaise' as Hannah knows it as my 'usual' hehehe :) and then we had hot chocolates *drools* YUM! then I drove home and pretty much went to bed when I got there :) The animals weren't tired and both decided to play up merry hell chasing each other around the bedroom! So I ended up getting the shits and put Riley's bed in the lounge room and shut the door...Rex settled down quite quickly and Riley cried a little bit, but once he realised he wasn't to come back in, went to bed. Adam woke up in the morning and said "where's the animals" and I told him what I had done and he was like "oh so thats why I had a decent night's sleep" HAH!
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingTonight I have a HEAP of shopping to do and a few MISSIONS I hope I can find for this Saturday night's Little ItaREE dinner with the Olds :) Here Goes.... hehehe
♥ me xxx


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