♥ Bring on the Long Weekend! ♥

A much anticipated weekend is coming up! Its EASTER YUMM!!!!
Hopefully the easter bunny takes note that I love CADBURY bunnies the best :)

This weekend was really good...Friday night I went to town. Adam and I managed to sleep-in until 10.30am sat morning! Rex was as quiet as a mouse! It was brilliant! Saturday I did the usual ebay, clean, washing, etc around the house, watched the dockers game (YAY THEY WON!) and then Adam took me to see IceAge2! It was soooo awesome! Sunday morning we managed ANOTHER 10.30am sleep-in! We went to town, Adam bought me a new shirt from the Miss Shop I had eyed off last weekend for work and then we went into Fremantle! It was really good and relaxing. I cant believe how head over heels I am with him...He just makes me SO happy!

All of the media centre has been set up and it is MAD!!! :) I have to create a presentation for a conference tomorrow :( It all comes back to the tender I did back in December 2005. This is the final stage THANK GOD :) I have done so much extra work/research. It's good, but extra travel, etc is blowing a hole in my budget :(

It's my brothers birthday this Friday! HAHA its good friday too so he gets FISHIES for dinner! heheeh SUCKER! I have no idea what to get a 19 year old? OMG HES 19! I want to be 19 :(

♥ me xxx


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