Not such a 'Wonderful Life'

Last night I dreampt I died. Pretty odd I know, but it happened.
Adam and I were in the process of building our house. I knew the slab was poured, the bricks were up, and even the timber roof frame was completed. But every one is nosey. Everyone wants to see the progress of their future for themselves. I couldn't wait any longer. I just had to see what mine and Adam's future looked like.
So I drove there in my Walkinshaw Blue coloured VP SS Commodore (I have never owned a VP, nor an SS??? Weird...) I walked through the house in excitement. Then as I turned around, I was approached by 3 guys...and then...I got shot in the chest. As I was lying there, I watched them take to my car with bricks, smashing my windows and then set fire to it :( I managed to get up, and escape. I ran. I ran through my parents suburb, past the back of my old school, through the oval and down a a familar road...As I started to slow down two little boys approached me, I told them I was fine and to go back inside...I kept running a couple of blocks away, to 'Adam's parents house' whom I'd never met before... I knew that's where he would be at that time, (Weird because ive met them and weird because his parents live nowhere near there, Oh well!) So I got introduced and they discovered i'd been shot and then had a million questions about it............................................................ As I was about to answer, I woke up to my alarm..........Spewing......................Then Rex gets excited because I woke up and decides to meow his head off because he was hungry............................................No more dream........

I have NO idea what this was about, or why I even remembered my dream. It was so realistic.
I NEVER remember my dreams.

I hope this is not my destiny?
♥ me xxx


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