Today is my first day back on track. I woke up at 4.45am and did my Cardio Kickboxing DVD and weighed my yoghurt properly, I've just had an apple and I'm m&m free! :)
I actually suprised myself - I didn't think I would make it past the 'warm up', but I lasted the whole of the DVD! YAY I'm nearly FIT mwahahah... Now I just gotta work on my ASS. Mum came around last night with her new Renault Megane 2004, 2.0L, 6 speed manual... It's...different hehe. Its so nice inside and has leather seating and a sunroof. The key ignition looks like a hotel card you slot in and then press a button to start the car! HOW MAD IS THAT! but I dont like the ASS. I'm in the process of organising a body kit and spoiler for it.. it also needs an exhaust :P Then it will look mint :)Great, after eating my apple I have just inherited the hiccups :/ daw.
Tonight I'm going to my parents house for dinner - should be good! I'm taking my old TV back that my brother, Cohen has in his room but never uses! YAY! Finally get 2 TVS happening so I can do 2 lots of my workout a day!
Mum was talking to me the other day and they are going to buy a house! I will move into it with Adam and the rent we pay will eventually pay off the loan and then it will be mine! I'm going to save in the process with Adam and we will buy a block of land to build on in the future if things dont work out... If they do then we will probably just make it into an investment, which would be good. Mum's saying that it will probably be in the next month or 2, so MOVING AGAIN is probably on the cards :( ergh. I KNEW I should have left everything packed up hah! It's mine and Adam's umm *counts* 2 years and 8 months anniversary on the 18th this month and WE HAVE A RENT INSPECTION for a present! *sigh* haha! DOH! more cleaning! Its cool though, I take pride in this house and its pretty clean most of the time!
I don't think it's even made it to 15°C today - ITS SO COLD! none of my rings or my watch fits! haha. I have steak and salad for lunch today! YUM! Hannah has excitedly rubbed in that her bf Anthony will be making LASAGNE, ree's NO 1 FAVOURITE FOODAGE. *sigh* Me and Garfield are SO alike! hehe. Anyways I'm not sure how I found the time to blog about so much, but I just looked at the fax and it's full of jobs to enter again. mmmm the overtime pay should be pretty good this fortnight thank god!
♥ me xxx


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