♥ F R I D A Y ♥

MADE IT ANOTHER WEEK! YAY! even though I have been mucked around with tonight's plans, I still plan to have a good night. Sometime this weekend I have to do some work though *sigh* I have to do a procedures manual for my help desk job. It should be good once it's in place though, because I won't be stressing in a few months time when we're going to Sydney and no one knows my job.
Last night we did some food shopping and I put some more money on my suitcases, I only owe $30 bucks now! *YAY* and I have about $38 to pay and then my phone is paid off (I have been paying $60 a fortnight to pay it off, so once that's gone, i'll be putting $60 a fortnight MINIMUM in my account for Sydney which will be nearly a grand, plus I have my birthday coming up and then Christmas YAY! Anyways enough about that, its exciting me and in REALITY LAND I'm at work, bored to death by the lack of work there is this afternoon. Not that im complaining there's no work mehe!

I ran into Jimmeh today! Was god to see him - I went into town in my lunch break to get Subway and he was like shouting at me and I must have been in another world. He's lost a bit of weight and seemed pretty happy. He's got a mining job and has a week in Perth for more training and then he heads back.... I couldn't STAND the whole mining thing... Whatever floats their boat but...
1 more sleep until movie night! I hope hannah allows us to get a new photo! I have been going crazy taking photos of everything and everyone! I have gone back to my scrap book and creating more of a LIFE collage, rather than just pretty things that sparkle hehe ;)
Anywhooo that's enough from me today
♥ me xxx


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