♥ Wednesday = Pay Day ♥

I've been a bad bad girl! I had a bit of apple strudel! YIKES! Ok thats it, I HAVE to do 2 DVDS tonight! haha. I have to go to mum n dads for dinner tonight, so I dont know how I will have time to do my dvds :( Spewing, because I missed them last night! Since last thursday I have been on a mission to find the cheapest STEP for me to do my dvd on. Adam bought me some HOT PINK PVC Dumbells, but I wanted a step!!!!! Theyre like $200 at Rowe & Jarman! Ergh! Monday night, I decided to use a plastic box to step up onto, but managed to put my foot through it.... :( Last night I got home and in the entry was a STEP! in a box on a chair! My Adam is the sweetest! I set it up but I still felt sick, so I didn't use it :( Now I want to and I gotta goto my parents. ERGH!!!!!!! I hate living my life like a schedule. Although this week Hannah's on my schedule (3 DAYS TO GO!) so its not THAT bad! I cant wait until Saturday night although I don't know whether to get a bit dressed up or go casual.. I know its only the movies and I can pretty much guess that Hannah will more than likely wear jeans hehe ♥ but I not sure :/
Anyways, 4 hours to go and Ive got a pile as high as the Harbour Bridge as REIWA's site's been down all morning. meh.
♥ me xxx


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