♥ Weekend in a Nutshell ♥

Well its Sunday afternoon at 5.30pm and I'm getting the "DOH GOTTA GOTO WORK TOMORROW" feeling! This weekend has been pretty sucky. Friday night was an early night as I'm not used to getting up at 4am in the morning :P I pretty much piked at like 9am! Saturday morning I decided it was time to get my hair done (after all ive lost nearly 20kgs in less than 3 months!) So I sat in a hairdressing chair for most of Saturday, but it was definately worth it - I think it looks awesome! although now I think I look heaps younger... not that im complaining heh :) I got home about 3pm and then took Adam shopping at Whitfords... Ella Buche (however you spell it) even managed a 4.30pm eybrow wax! w00t. Everything was pretty much last minute planned hehe but its all good hehe :P Saturday night was the night that I had been waiting for for almost a month... was so excited, but pretty much went straight into the movie and left straight after (12AM!) didn't really get to say much, but was good to see her at least. Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest was AWESOME! It was a bit boring in parts and the air-conditioning was freezing the remainder of my b00bs off, but Johnny Depp plays such a good pirate :) The first Pirates of the Caribbean is on tonight..would like to watch it but I want to see Wolf Creek too...
♥ me xxx


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