♥ Monday Bloody Monday ♥

Its yet another Monday *sigh* Adam refers to me as "grumple-bum-smoochy" most monday's hehe :) Its windy and showery and miserable. Precisely how I feel today, especially after being dragged outta bed at 5am this morning! :)
I had a quick lunch with Jimmeh today, was good to catch up as its been a LONG while, but I wasn't able to concentrate on anything he was saying to me. All I could think about was how lucky I am to have such a loving, adorable boyfriend like Adam :) Boyfriend seems so highschool. Adam is way more to me than 'the norm', more like best friend, partner, maybe even soul mate? hehe He definately has earned his place in my aww *gets moushy*
Tonight is my "nothing" night. It's one of them nights where I wish Hannah lived nearby... I used to love our Monday night chill nights. AND I DO MEAN CHILL! HAH! Beanies, scarfs, tracky dacks and slippers! Maybe Anthony will reconsider the location of her Clarkson house, Hannah can relocate to Wangara and then they can move there! HAH! Wishfull thinking! ahh well...
I'm getting so tired now, its only 1.35pm! mind you I have been here since 7.30am! I got a lot of work done this morning, but now theres not much to do hehe..
♥ me xxx


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