º¤ø¤º I think its time for Holidays º¤ø¤º

Last night was the best reunion a gal and her puppy could have! Riley's whole face lit up when I walked into my parents house and we were pretty much glued to each other until bedtime (where we still stay pretty much glued!) hehe! Today he's at Aunty Rita's house for a change and then tomorrow he's back with my brother - I'd love to bring him into work with me! I think its time for a holiday though.... I feel like a break and weekends don't feel long enough - might take a couple of days off next week or the week after if work permits it *sigh* I still have no one to do my helpdesk job so I feel obliged to be here rather than WANT to at the moment. I've shown Annette how to do the job incase im sick or whatever, but I'm not sure about holidays. meh. Will ask today. *gulp* hehe nah should be fine.
I got to work at 7.20am today - I doubt I will be able to leave at 4.30pm like we were discussing :( Man I'm starting to fall asleep! heheh I have my beenie and pink jacket on and the heater cranked up to 30°C but the heat goes above my head because its so high up :( Hmm every day seems to be a struggle at the moment - I'm just glad I can get out of bed at 4.30 in the morning ;P
Aunty Han is coming for dinner next monday and to see Riley! I hope she's over the whole diet thing by then.. hehe I am and I'm looking forward to getting a really nice dinner rather than Subway, because Lettuce + Winter = CRAPOLA! heehe Will have to see what she wants if she ever comes on MSN! :P She's been pretty busy the last week or so with work! It's good that they're busy, but its crap because I have no one good to talk to to help me through the day! :)
Anyways its 8.22am and I gotta crack the whip a little!
♥ me xxx


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