♥ Riley Day 1 ♥

What a Saturday!!! yesterday afternoon Adam caught the train to my work and we drove to pick up Riley! I was so nervous and anxious at the same time I couldn't even eat lunch! hah! He is the most sweetest little boy! Rex was sussing him out when we brought him home, but today they were actually starting to play with one another! PHEW! Rex is so good with him! Last night I put Riley to bed at about 9.30pm and then he woke up crying at about 11pm so I sat up with him in front of the heater and he went straight to sleep! So I took him to bed with me as I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer...he slept from about 11.20pm til 6.30am when Adam's alarm went off... he slept pretty much the whole night! and didn't wee the bed! haha he's paper trained!! yay!! So this morning I dropped Adam off at home to pick up his car, etc and I went to mums for a bit - she secretly loves my 'rat dog' hehe :) Then I went home to get changed and mum picked me and Riley up and we went to Ikea and the shops for a few things. He got soooo much attention! haha was a pain telling everyone every 5 seconds that he was a chihuahua and hes 7 weeks old and blah blah blah hehehe but it was better than leaving him at home for the first day. Tonight Adam and I are just watching the Swans thrashing richmond and pretty much falling asleep! haha its been a pretty long day, but at least Riley will sleep another decent night!
♥ me xxx


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