♥ Happy Anniversary ♥

Today is mine and Adam's 2 years and 8 months anniversay ♥ we'll be hitting our big 3 yearer in the next 4 months! REE? SETTLING DOWN?? crazy hey! haha but well worth it. We get Riley in 10 days - I'm excited SO much, I haven't been able to concentrate on my work for 2 days!! This weekend i'm going to go buy him a jacket and a bed and some toys/food, etc! I cant wait to go shopping for him! then I pick him up on the following Friday! YAY! I really hope Rex doesn't spoil everything and just accepts him as family - I think he will as he's probably really lonely, but I hope he's not too rough on him as he's only about as big as a coke can at the moment! heheh for Riley's sake, I hope he grows in the next 2 weeks before he comes home! :)
Adam picks up his car tomorrow after work and will hear about his application by friday! so hopefully everything is good on that front! I love seeing his eyes light up like they have done the last few days! excitement !+!+!+!plus!+!+!+! hehe

Well it's a short one today, I cant even concentrate on doing this for any amount of time! haha
♥ excited me xxx


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