♥ Monday 17th July 2006 ♥

What a weekend! Friday night I went to dinner with Pam at the Greenwood Hotel! I had barramundi! Was so delicious... i'm now obsessed with DECENT fish - never thought i'd see the day. Was a good night to catchup with her and socialise... Saturday, Mum called me at 11.30am and I was still asleep haha (late night) but I managed to get up and have a shower and then mum was at my door for about 12. We decided that since Hannah was coming for a visit at 5pm, she would come down my way so we could shop for longer. hah! was a good day, although I cheated all day hehe I had half a mango and white chocolate muffin for brekkie and lunch was spinach and ricotta quiche! YUM! Then I got home for about 4.45-ish and got refreshed and then Hannah was at my door DiNG-DoNG! hehe we went and visted her house and she measured up a few things out the back and then we went to THE BOAT for a drink. We got asked for ID... I couldn't believe it!!!!! I'm nearly 24 and people think I look younger than 18... spose its good for when i'm 50, but at this point in time its kind of annoying. So we walked in and "All Eyes on Us" was the motto :/ Every body stared - spose thats a compliment :P
Anyways a beer later, it was time to go.... So Hannah dropped me off, and Adam and I watched the footy for a bit and then went and got a grilled fish from the Chipee (Wasn't as nice as the Barramundi) hehe and then we discussed 'Sydney'. We've decided to put it on hold until next year and just go down south/up north for these holidays, which is good for me as I had decided I wanted a puppy! So, we had 'internet time'. Adam was looking at mags for his Magna he picks up this WEDNESDAY! he's so excited! I haven't seen him this excited in a long time :) And I looked up as many pet shops as I could find - I had a list, plus the ads in the Quokka.

Sunday we slept in until 10.30 and then went puppy hunting. I had no idea that I'd fall in love with a Chihuahua, but I did! He is 6.5 weeks old at the moment, I get to pick him up on the 28th! (11 Days to go!) I have called him Riley! I love the name Nitro, but it just didn't suit him the way Riley did. So then after about 30mins of "but I dont want to let him go" Adam took me home, then at 6.30pm I got picked up by Megan and we were off to do my nails! yay!
So this morning I woke up and here I am again... M O N D A Y *sigh*
♥ me xxx


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