♥ So much in store for the Weekend! ♥

This morning I took a photo of myself to see what I looked like a) At 4.30am and b) To see rather than looking in a mirror (I swear some mirrors make you look better/worse than you really are! I'm getting there!!! I even have shoulder bones again! YAY! That pic isn't doing my b00bs justice but I suppose thats what ya get - no wonder before I started my diet I was dreaming about getting a b00b job! haha! erm no. Anyways this weekend is going to be chockars! Tonight I'm going to visit Pam's for dinner, not sure what we're having, but I can pretty much guarantee it will be a take-away if she hasn't prepared anything, as I get home nowdays and I'm STARVING! Saturday, Adam has to go sit a 4 hour exam to get into the next stage of his security officer position he applied for. He's also looking at getting the car I told him I wanted as a "Family Car" A 2004 Magna.. weird huh? I better not read into it though :P whatever makes him happy, he's worked hard for it (plus it will bide me some time to finish paying off my loan hehe) Meanwhile, back at home, Ree-Ree will be doing her morning excercise, then meeting my friend Megan who I made off the internet! Crazy huh! But she's cool and lives in Merriwa (next suburb to me) and hanging out until about lunch time, then I'm going to skoot off to mums to take her new car for a test drive and then back home to see Hannah at 5pm which should be great! We're going to see the house she's been building for the last couple of years and then going to 'The Boat' for a drinksie or 2 before she heads off to get ready for a partaye! I no-doubt will be absolutely exhausted after that and will probably opt to going to the movies or hiring a DVD... It's forecasted for rain too *ughh* Sunday will be mine and Adam's usual 'chill' day - we normally go to town or markets for a wander, then at 7pm I'm being picked up by Megan to be her 'MODEL' for her nail exam! Then she says she will do cheap refills for me! yay! Then before I know it, I will be sitting here on Moday, blogging about how grumpy I am :P But that's cool because then the following Thursday I'm going to Mel's to get a haircut that she says I so DESPARATELY need, but couldn't afford at the time of my colour because it was already $140 over my budget hehe, I might get another blow-dry too... it lasts ages and looks heaps better when they do it as opposed to me :P then Friday night I'm meeting my 'adopted sister' Erin in town - not sure what we're going to do besides SHOP but it should be a good night :) and then I have a free weekend again yay! Hopefully everyone will want to see me again! It's good having girlfriends FINALLY, I think I need them nowdays as I'm to 'boyish' as my parents say... the whole Cars, footy, beer, etc. Suppose they always wanted a Son though? haha! My brothers the 'daughter' of our family! Hopefully hanging around all these girls will be beneficial to me :P
Anyways enough from me, to all who read this - Have a Great Weekend! I know I will :)
♥ me xxx


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