♥ Another Rainy Day ♥

I wonder why people say "save your money for a rainy day" ? Yeah the rain and cold really makes me feel like spending money hahaha... the only thing I fancy at the moment is some nice hot pumpkin soup or a cappuccino hehe :) This weather is so GHEY. I hope it's not like this in the morning when I bring Riley to work - Poor little guy will freeze to death. I might buy some ribbon and tie his jacket I bought him a bit tighter so it fits him :P I can't believe he doesn't fit into a 19cm jacket! haha cute.
I took some cute photo's of Rex and Riley this morning, they're starting to get along really good.. although Rex still has his psycho spack attacks and bowls Riley over, but theyre getting there!
I might be going to Hannah's house tomorrow night with Riley for Pizza providing there are no current plans!! I haven't had pizza in like 6 months! She's just started getting the flu so I hope I don't get it heheh :) Her and her bf Anthony are talking (just decided) about getting a puppy!! At this stage they are getting a Jack Russell and thinking about calling it Skittles! hehehe here's hoping she/he doesnt get stuck into the food dye! haha 'taste the rainbow' would be it's slogan! hehehe I can't wait til they get 'her?' Hannah's even talking about taking some more Saturday's off work so we can hang out and the puppy's can play like the oldschool days when I had Domino and Hannah had Sam :) It will be like History repeating itself! :)

Anyways work to do now - Late night shopping tonight and Adam and I have to be back by 8.30pm to watch lost... We've finally caught up to the television thanks to Cohen's mate Sean!
♥ me xxx


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