♥Thunder Only Happens When Its Raining♥

What a mixed-bag today is going to be! Riley is at work with me! We got here at about 6.30am and he's slept pretty much all morning...my boss is in Adelaide, Andrew's at golf and Brian's caddy'ing for his daughter who plays championship golf *sigh* What crappy weather for Golf?! So theres going to be pretty much no one to do the work thats coming in eeek! hehe. Tonight I'm off to Hannahs for Meatlovers with BBQ Sauce! I am SOOOO Looking forward to it! The last few days' all ive thought about is food and what id kill for...punkin soop, lamb shanks with mash potato, grilled fish, terriyaki sushi roll, quiche!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEE! I have no idea how I managed to loose that weight when all this delicious food exists! hehehe I'm back on it this Wednesday just to finish off what I started!
Well Adam and I have talked about getting a girly chihuahua for Riley and it's been decided! We're getting one! yay! I still haven't had the go ahead on the name 'Stella' but im sure ill get my way! hehehe It wont be for another couple of months...once Riley is settled in and had his needles, etc... then he can show her the ropes of what to and what not to do (saves me doing it all over again hah! JK) I think it would be good for Riley to have a playmate besides Rex!
Man I SOOOO wish they brought out the concept torana they built! It looks AWESOME! Man even if it costs 60K id get one! Its MAN PINK and just looks SO HOT! I wanna!!!!!!:(
hmmm.... 7.53am *sigh* I think its going to be a long day! Might blog a bit more later...might not too! hehe
♥ me xxx


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