º¤øø¤ºWhat a Bad Dayº¤øø¤º

What an absolute SHOCKER of a day. It all starts with running late with work (although I got there at 9.05am... no overtime for me!) Then my right contact lense decides to play up ALL DAY! I've taken it out and put it back in and washed it, even left it soaking in distilled water for 5mins...its probably fixed but my eye is so irritated it still kills. ERGH!@ Then I send an SMS to mum saying that I cant come over for dinner because I have to take Riley to the vet for his checkup/needle, etc and I got "Whatever" as a response... go figure... It's played on my mind all day and basically she's annoyed because she wouldn't have seen me for a whole WEEK if I don't go tonight... meh. I'm over it. I'm so sick of rushing around again.... I Just want to stay home and play/train the puppy I oh so desired. :(
So then I borrow 20cents off Annette so I can get sushi because my pay hadn't gone through at lunch time and I was short... and then when my pay DOES eventually go through I BPAY $220 instead of $20 and the Bank wont cancel it, so now I'm $200 short!!!!! WILL TODAY EVER END. I better stop typing... I might break a finger.
♥ A not so happy me xxx


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