♥ Friday Once Again! ♥

Do you know how hard it is to part with a carton of Crownies??? I do! It's pretty painful.... Purchasing them, knowing they aren't for you... *sigh* that's what I had to suffer with yesterday afternoon, but it was for a good cause! My $1,200 cd player for my car has been replaced under warranty! yay! its in and it sounds beaut!!!! Boy have I missed my stereo (sanity) hehehe... my sub is blown, but still sounds pretty good for being broken! I'm getting a new Pioneer 1000W sub tomorrow! Weeeeeee So excited! My cars going to be l33t again :)
I also stopped off and bought Riley some toilet training pads... Waste of time and $15 bucks! He hasn't wee'd on it yet!!!! He'd rather go on the newspaper next to it. *sigh* I also bought him a wicked collar and leash set which ALMOST fits him!!!! yay! then after that, Adam met me at Joondalup and we bought him a backpack for riding from Jim Kidds and then paid for my hot pink suitcases and we did a quick food shop and was back in time for LOST :)

This morning I got to work at 7am and met the rest of our admin group at the Sheraton Hotel for an all you can eat breakfast, it was so YUM! I didn't end up having Lasagne for dinner last night, but I DID buy one! So thats for tea tonight! I'm soooooo looking forward to it! heehe well thats pretty much it for me today.
♥ me xxx


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