♥ Thursday 3rd August 2006 ♥

Well, I ended up leaving work early and rescheduling Riley's vet appointment to 6pm so I could keep the mother happy by visiting. I am definately looking into moving interstate! hah! I'm not even going to talk about it because it just makes me wish things were different (kind of 24 years of age and cant shake the chains im in.) Tonight is late night shopping....I have to stop off at the pet shop in joondalup on my way home because they shut at 7pm! slackers! I have to get riley a training pad to stop him from wee-ing everywhere! He has finally learnt to sit, so hes not a slow learner afterall :) just got to work on the potty now... I also need to buy him a new bed as he chews the wool at the top of his bed and ends up pulling the bed ontop of him and he cant get out :P silly boy... I also need to find a carry case for him because he's starting to want to explore the car while im driving and its hard to keep him still when he has energy now.... After I get back from there, I have to take Adam to Joondalup shops so I can pick up the hot pink suitcases I have on laybuy for our holiday to Sydney we agreed to go on around May next year, but we may have to end up going around Christmas this year to escape an isolation plan my mother is concocting as I type this.... I have been right all along... I started blogging nearly 2 years ago now and my very first blog stated that she is a secret psychopath.. haha nothing's changed. This probably sounds harsh but hopefully she will get amnesthia and forget that I exist :P She is pretty full on at the moment and I am finding it really hard to live without having to explain what im doing, why im doing it, etc.
Work is pretty much dead... my contact lense isn't playing up, but ive ordered my next 3 months supply so I have to pick them up today sometime... another waste of money.
And aside from loosing the 2kgs I put on....thats pretty much it for now...
♥ me xxx


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