♥ Monday 7th August ♥

Eating the second half of a Kebab is just as frustrating as eating a Taco! Lettuce, meat and sauce just falls left right and centre and you end up eating the paper they wrapped the kebab in! ERGH! but they are so worth getting dirty for! This weekend I've eaten so much crap... today was meant to be my first day back on my diet, but caved when I found m&m's I left at work on Friday....between that and KNOWING I haven't had pizza or my last beer has made me think Tuesday is a good day to start instead :) Hell I started my diet originally on a Wednesday so meh!
This weekend was probably the most constructive and productive weekend I have had in a long time.... Saturday I went to City Farmers and got Riley a name tag engraved for his new collar and then we went to visit mum... as much as mum says Riley isn't her cup of tea, she seems to love playing with him... go figure.... jealousy maybe? She goes on about how they are snappy etc...I haven't seen it.... although he did try to BITE her :P but what dog wouldn't mwahaha jkn :) I blocked off the carpet areas and washed my tiles with this keepy-off stuff from the pet shop and put his training pads down in a corner... he did a P00 on it!!!!!! FINALLY! After much frustration... I wish I had of known to do this 2 weeks ago hhehehe :) He's getting the hint now which is soooo good! :) Saturday afternoon I went down to see Dean at AudioCom and got a really good deal on 1000W Pioneer sub in a box...he also charged me nothing to install it :) I only have my old Alpine amp hooked up to it, but it still sounds really good.. I can't wait until I buy my MonoBlock to run it and then I will get another sub and will have 2000W Peak! w00t! First things first though, puppy training starts on the 22nd... I gotta pay for that and his next needle and a few other things before I endulge in more audio equipment.
Sunday was pretty productive... Adam and I went into town for a while, we also watched the Dockers game AND I even did....wait for it.... .... .... WEEDING! hehe! there was so much television to watch from 6.30pm onwards and we ended up climbing into bed at about 10pm...Riley woke up at about 3am and was sick, and then again at 4.10am... poor little boy! I have no idea what upset his tummy, but he did run up to me at about 4pm crying and trying to swallow, so I rubbed whatever was stuck in his throat down... it could have been that.. *shrug*
Today is full-on busy at work and I have a headache and am tired from being up last night :(
Hannah is talking about letting jet and riley meet soon, which should be good!

I ate too much....bleh! :)
♥ me xxx


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